Channing Seideman, pictured with her service dog, Bishop, was diagnosed with epilepsy at 10 years old. Now, she said, "Bishop goes absolutely everywhere with me." (Channing Seideman)
FAITHFUL COMPANION – Channing Seideman's service dog, Bishop, brings her peace of mind and safety amid the uncertainty of daily epileptic seizures. The Ohio woman shares the heartwarming partnership with Fox News Digital. Continue reading…
‘BIG STEP FORWARD’ – A new drug has shown promise in slowing or preventing the progression of disease in patients with Parkinson's. Continue reading…
SORRY, NIGHT OWLS – Going to bed after a certain time could lead to poorer mental health, a Stanford study found. Sleep experts share their reactions. Continue reading…

"We had expected that night owls who stayed up late would be OK, but they ended up being at a greater risk for developing mental health disorders than night owls who went to bed earlier," one researcher said. (iStock)
EYES WIDE OPEN – A Chicago man received a kidney transplant while he was completely awake. Doctors weigh in on how surgeries without general anesthesia could transform the future of transplant care. Continue reading…
WAITING TO INHALE – For diabetes patients, a third type of insulin delivery has been shown to work just as well as injections or pumps, a new study found. Continue reading…
‘GIANT STEP FORWARD’ – The FDA has approved a new drug — Ipsen’s medication Iqirvo (elafibranor) — to treat autoimmune liver disease. Continue reading…

Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys the small bile ducts of the liver. (iStock)
ASK A DOCTOR – "Is it ever OK to take someone else’s prescription medication?" Continue reading…
SLOWING ALZHEIMER'S – In a breakthrough study, researchers identified a "protective gene" in one extended family that delays Alzheimer's disease by several years. Continue reading…
MEDICAL MISINFORMATION? – A California physician believes the medical community is telling patients 10 key "lies." He details two of the myths in an excerpt from his new book. Continue reading…

Dr. Robert Lufkin, pictured at left, was diagnosed with four chronic diseases, which inspired him to write a book, "Lies I Taught in Medical School." (Dr. Robert Lufkin / iStock)
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